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Product Description


by Divergent Audio Group

Fameboy is an awesome little instrument that fulfills all your nasty lo-fi drum desires.

FAMEBOY is a classic drum synthesizer propelled into the modern age for the professional music producers of today.  Featuring original samples fused with cutting-edge technology, advanced sequencing, and sound-shaping capabilities.

We packaged all of this inside the most spectacular interface we could create.

FAMEBOY can be used for any purpose – It’s not just a Chiptune machine…The advanced architecture and sound-mangling controls will enable you to use it for any music production purposes. Or maybe, you just want to be inspired and use it to show off to your friends.

Fameboy - Classic Lo-Fi Drums & More

3D Interface

Master Effects

The Master page contains a wealth of effect controls that operate across the entire mix including:

  • Crush (Bit Rate)
  • Redux (Sample Rate)
  • Saturation (Master Saturation)
  • Slam (heavy compression)
  • Master EQ (Low, Low-Mid, High-Mid, High)
  • Comp (Threshold)
  • Attack (Compressor Attack)
  • Release (Compressor Release)
  • Gain (Compressor Gain)
  • Width (Stereo Width)
  • Limit (Master Limiter Gain)
  • Release (Master Limiter Release Speed)
  • Master and Multi-Out (When enabled this mode bypasses the master effects and sends each channel to it’s own output in Kontakt.)

Midi Drag'n'Drop

Mixer Page

Every single sound in Fameboy has it’s own mixer channel and send levels with controls over:

  • Channel Volume
  • Pan
  • Reverb (Pre-delay, Size, Hi-Cut, Send)
  • Echo (Time, Regen, Hi-Cut, Send)


The Sequencers in Fameboy are small but very powerful offering many functions for creating unique and interesting patterns. Once you have a sequence you can easily export the midi pattern to your host using drag ‘n’ drop!

Each Sequence can hold up to 8 unique patterns and each pattern can be triggered on-the-fly using keyswitches!


Snapshots are the easiest and most efficient way of loading and saving presets within Kontakt. FAMEBOY comes with a vast selection of snapshots ready to use. Please go to the snapshots folder inside your product folder and locate the folder named [Fame Boy] then copy that folder to your user content folder.

Fameboy comes with a selection of sound design and sequencer presets from our good friend and talented producer Si Begg.

Tape Drive

Voice Select

The Voice page is where you’ll spend most of your time. There are 16 different channels and each channel has up to 16 different samples to choose from. Each sample also has 4 different variations. By using the ‘Style’ controls you can move through each style.

  • Style A is a clean and modern playback engine
  • Style B is a gritty and filtered playback engine
  • Style C is a gritty playback engine
  • Style D is a gritty playback engine which, is similar to, but differs from Style C

Each sound can be manipulated even further with a selection of sound-design controls and each each sound can be selected for editing using incoming midi notes for ease-of-use.


Digital Product - Delivered via Email.

32 & 64 Bit


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